Chris Anderson, Director
Carolyn Cansler, Associate Director
John Peterson, TCHS Associate Director
Chad Wallace, Percussion Specialist
Dr. Steve Nauman, Principal
Table of Contents
Handbook Objectives
Band Principles
Director Contact Information
Grading Procedures
Rehearsal Expectations
Academic Eligibility
Band Hall Expectations
Band Calendar
Maintenance, Medical, Traveling, Uniforms, Volunteer
Student Member & Parent Information
Temporary Medical Guardianship
Extracurricular Code of Conduct
LVMS Beginner Band Fees
LVMS Band Fee Payment Contract (Optional)
Private Lesson Preference
Band Handbook Acceptance
Handbook Objectives
1. Communicate policies and procedures.
2. Begin the process of three-way communication between teachers, parents and students.
Lakeview Band Principles
The Lakeview Band Program is based on more than just musical excellence. We obviously take great pride in how well we perform as musicians, but our true reward comes with the way in which we conduct ourselves on a daily basis both in and out of the band classroom or stage.
There are the key principles we try to live by as band members:
1. Responsibility – Do the best you can in everything you do.
2. Respect – Treat others the way you would like to be treated.
3. Attitude – Approach every situation with a positive attitude.
4. Be Proactive – Try to anticipate situations and prepare for them in advance.
5. Trust – Trust is earned and easily lost.
6. Commitment – Keep your commitments to yourself and others, even when it is difficult.
How to Contact the Directors
Lakeview Band Hall Phone Number: (972) 350-3126
Mr. Anderson – Mrs. Cansler – Mr. Peterson – Mr. Wallace –
Grading Procedures
40% Major Grades - Every student will have a playing tests, performances, and written test throughout the year.
40% Minor Grades (67% of Minor Grades) – Students will be evaluated for their daily class participation as well as sectional/rehearsal attendance, and quizzes.
20% Other Grades (33% of Minor Grades) – Bring the required materials to class, complete homework assignments, and complete practice records.
Rehearsal Expectations
Academic Eligibility
Students must have a passing grade in all classes to participate in UIL and School District events, as well as band trips that require them to miss class. If a student fails a class at the end of a six weeks grading period, he or she has the opportunity to regain eligibility at the three week progress report if all classes are passed at that point.
Band Hall Expectations
1) Band students will be respectful to others.
2) Be seated with your instrument, binder, music, and pencil when the bell rings.
3) Be prepared. All instruments go home every day. (except for tubas, which are practiced at school Monday – Thursday)
4) Band students will always follow directions the first time they are given.
5) Keep your equipment (leave other’s alone) in the right place, and keep it neat.
6) No gum, food, or candy in the band hall.
1” Black 3 ring View Binder (This binder has 2 pockets and clear plastic covering in which to
place 8½ x 11 Title/Practice Report pages, front and back.)
Notebook paper (in notes section)
2 Sharpened pencils
Pencil Bag
Always be in the right place, at the right time,
with the right equipment, and the right attitude.
Beginning Band Calendar:
Band Parent Meeting
Drumathon (All Percussion)
Band Car Wash Fundraiser
(Backup Date, Oct. 10)
Yearbook Band Class Picture Day (band t-shirt, blue jeans, tennis shoes)
Trip to Texas Tornados Hockey Game
Individual Band Pictures
(band t-shirt, blue jeans)
11-Dec *
Beginning Band Winter Dinner Concert
Percussion Concert (All Percussion)
TCJH Spring Drumline Auditions
(All Percussion)
20-Apr *
Beginning Band Rehearsal
22-Apr *
Beginning Band Rehearsal
3-May *
Beginning Band Rehearsal
4-May *
Beginning Band
performs at Sandy Lake
18-May *
Lakeview Band Spring Concert
31-May –
Auditions for 6th and 7th Grade (Required)
Beginner Band to Hurricane Harbor
Trip to Main Event
Required activities can be graded events. Graded co-curricular events are an extension of the classroom. If you become aware of any conflicts, please contact a director to work out a compromise as soon as possible.
* All events notated with asterisks are required events.
Refer to the 2009-2010 Lakeview Band Master Calendar for location and time at
LISD Instrument Maintenance Fee
LISD requires that all students who use school owned instruments pay a maintenance fee of $60 dollars for yearly upkeep of school instruments.
Medical Form
For any trips outside of Lakeview Middle School with the band, students are required to have a Medical Form on file with the band directors.
Students are required to care for their own equipment when traveling with the band. It is the student’s responsibility to move their equipment on and off of the transport during trips. In addition to the Medical Form, students will be required to fill out the appropriate trip parent permission form before leaving Lakeview Middle School. Students must be in good standing with payment of band fees to participate with the band during events including the Texas Tornado’s hockey game, Sandy Lake, Hurricane Harbor and Main Event.
All students in band will be required to have a band t-shirt for pictures and other functions throughout the school year. The uniform for the t-shirt will be full length blue jeans with tennis shoes. The t-shirt will be required to be tucked into the blue jeans. Outdoor functions may warrant wearing shorts. This will be at the discretion of the directors. First year beginning band students will wear nice dress clothes for winter and spring concerts.
Parents groups are the key to any successful school organization. We will send emails before events asking for volunteer help. Your time makes a difference! It is required that all volunteers go to, then parents/students, to do the Volunteer/Background Check. Instructions can be found at in the forms section titled Volunteer Application Instructions.
Charms is an online database used to administrate the Lakeview MS Band. Parents are encouraged to use the website and update information as needed. This site will maintain a records database for your child.
Our login code is: LakeviewMSBand
You will be prompted to enter your child’s Student ID. Be sure to press the UPDATE button to update your file.
Useful information is posted on as well as Communication about events with flyers and email, forms for class, as well as email about specifics related to class, will be created and posted using and
CHARMS Office Database Assistant
We need everyone’s help in making sure our current contact information is correct. You can REALLY help us by going online and completing contact information personally. How?
Visit the website and find the area on the right side of the screen that says “Parent/Student Login”.
Our login code is LakeviewMSBand (NO spaces).
On the next screen , enter your child’s Student ID number (the one they use in the cafeteria, library, etc.) to get access to the secure contact information.
Once inside your personal account , you can change your password to whatever you want. If you forget your password, just email us and we can reset it (but we will never know your password if you change it – we can only reset it for you).
Please enter ALL information in the appropriate places on the
“Student Information” screen.
After you are finished, please make sure to press the UPDATE button.
In addition to updating your contact information, you can see which forms your child has turned in and which ones he or she has not turned in as well as verifying that fees you paid for LISD instruments, etc. can be seen online.
If you do not have access to the internet please use the Student Member and Parent Information – Form 1, fill in all of the blanks, and return it to school at the Band Parent Meeting, August 27th.
Please have all contact information (online or on paper) be completed and submitted by Thursday, August 27th.
Form 1
Rev. 08/09
First Name
Last Name
LISD Student ID #
The Lakeview Middle School Band
2009 – 2010 Student Member & Parent Information
The student and parent information can be entered on charms (
Information below parent 2 on this form is not in charms and must be returned.
This information is for LVMS Band use only and will not be shared with outside sources.
All phone, e-mail and U.S. mail contact will be to the parent (s) listed below.
Student Home Address:
City, State, ZIP:
Student’s Home Phone:
( ) -
Student’s Cell Phone:
( ) -
Student’s E-mail Address:
Parent 1 Name:
Home Address
(if different from above):
Home Phone:
( ) -
Cell Phone:
( ) -
Work Phone:
( ) - ext
E-mail Address:
Parent 2 Name:
Home Address
(if different from above):
Home Phone:
( ) -
Cell Phone:
( ) -
Work Phone:
( ) - ext
E-mail Address:
School Team: ____Alpha ____Beta ____Gamma ____Delta
____Kappa ____Omega ____Sigma
Is your Channel 1: ____before Lunch ____after Lunch
Who is your Channel 1 teacher?
Form 2
I (we) the undersigned _________________________________________________________, are the natural parents
or legal guardians of __________________________________________________________. During our absence
he/she has been placed in the temporary care of the Lakeview Middle School Band Staff who is/are empowered by this statement to call for and authorize medical care and assistance I the event of injury, accident or illness involving our child or children. It is my (our) intention that this statement serves as authorization for such medical care to be administered during the following period of time:
Beginning Date 8-27-09 through the Ending Date 8-26-10
In the event that further medical consultation is required, the physicians who have most recently examined the child/children are:
_____________________________________________________ Phone:______________________________
_____________________________________________________ Phone:______________________________
Child’s Name:________________________________________ DOB:_____________________
Last Tetanus Vaccine :_______________________
List of Known Allergies: Drugs:________________________________________Foods________________________
Previous Diagnoses and History ____Convulsions ____Kidney Ailment ____Diabetes
____ Asthma ____Bronchitis ____Heart Ailments ____Tuberculosis ____Epilepsy
List all other medical conditions, history of surgeries, and serious injuries:____________________________________
List Names and Doses of all regular medications:________________________________________________________
Insurance Information (optional but recommended) ______________________________________________________
In case of emergency, the following person/people is/are also authorized to give consent for treatment if the parent/legal guardian cannot be reached:
Name: _____________________________________________ Relationship: _____________________________
Name: _____________________________________________Relationship: _____________________________
Parent/Legal Guardian: _____________________________________Signature________________________________
Parent/Legal Guardian: _____________________________________Signature________________________________
Emergency Contact Dates, Location and Number for Parents_______________________________________________
Form 3
Extracurricular Code of Conduct
If I am selected to represent ______________________________ School in its extracurricular program, I will be sincerely interested in contributing my best effort to the success of the program. I therefore agree to the following expectations and consequences as they pertain to out of school and after hours behavior while a member of an extracurricular group. It should be noted that the LISD student code of conduct and local school policies regarding appropriate behavior shall always be applied first and foremost when violations occur at school, at a contest/event, traveling to and from an event/contest, or when the students represent themselves as part of a school team, organization, or school group. Participation in extracurricular activities is considered a privilege and, certainly, higher standards are expected from all participants as it pertains to grades, behavior in and out of school, attendance, work ethic, and commitment.
The following restrictions refer to any amount of alcohol, drugs, or tobacco off campus.
I. Use and/or possession of Alcohol will not be tolerated. 1st offense: Removed from competition for
two contests and/or performances. School staff
counseling required.
2nd offense: Removed from competition for
a semester. School staff counseling required.
3rd offense: In the event of a third violation of these rules, the student will no longer be permitted to participate in competitive extracurricular activities for the remainder of the student’s enrollment in the District.
II. Use and/or possession of Drugs will not be tolerated. 1st offense: Removed from competition for three contests. School staff counseling required.
2nd offense: Removed from competition for a semester. School staff counseling required.
3rd offense: In the event of a third violation of these rules, the student will no longer be permitted to participate in competitive extracurricular activities for the remainder of the student’s enrollment in the District.
III. Use and/or possession of Tobacco will not be tolerated. 1st offense: Suspension from one contest
and/or performance.
2nd offense: Removed from the program for
a semester.
3rd offense: Removed from the program for one calendar
year from date of infraction.
IV. Hazing 1st offense: Removal from the program for no less than
(as defined by Board Policy FNCC Legal) 30 days and up to 90 days with reinstatement to the
program at the Sponsor/Coach and Administrator
2nd offense: Removal from the program for no less than
90 days and up to one calendar year. Reinstatement to the
program will take place only at the Sponsor/Coach
and Administrator approval.
V. Charged with a felony involving bodily harm Removed from the program until the case is
Adjudication and/or Conviction of a felony Removed from the program indefinitely.
********1. Once a participant has been removed from the program, the Sponsor/Coach and /or Administrator has the right to review the case and make a decision as to whether to allow the participant back into the program after the 90 day suspension.
2. A semester is considered to be 90 days.
3. Infractions will not accrue from year to year. Infractions will be tabulated for one calendar year beginning August 1 and ending July 31. Penalty can carry over from term to term until time is served.
4. These violations have to be (a) witnessed by District personnel (b) ticketed by law enforcement (c) or admitted to by the participant.
5. You are expected to follow the code of ethical behavior both on and off campus.
VI. Additional expectations for extracurricular activities: failure to meet these expectations will result in counseling by the coach or sponsor, or some form of punishment or suspension.
A. Conduct: We expect you to conduct yourself as ladies/gentlemen at all times. Follow school rules and procedures.
B. Attendance: Do not cut class. Do not be tardy. If you miss an athletic period or participation be sure it cannot be helped. Your commitment may include holidays and non-school days. Call the coach or sponsor if you are absent from an athletic period.
C. Profanity: We do not allow it.
D. Injury: We have a professional trainer who has been educated in training procedures. If you have an injury, see the trainers first. They will either treat the injury or tell you to see your doctor.
E. Grades: We expect you to work and maintain good grades.
F. Promptness: Always be on time, to practice, meetings, and games.
G. Equipment and facilities: Be responsible and take care of both.
H. Respect for coaches and teachers: Treat them with respect and in return you will be treated with respect.
I. Stealing: Taking things that do not belong to you will result in severe consequences.
J. Accountability: You will be held accountable for all of your actions. Be sure you “think” before you “act”.
*Due process procedures will be in accordance with LISD Board Policies: FOC (Local),FOA (Legal), FOC(Legal), FOD(Legal), and FOD(Local).
I have received a copy of the Extracurricular Code of Conduct and understand that all students will be held accountable for their behavior and will be subject to the disciplinary consequences outlined in the Code.
Name of Student (Please print)
Signature of Student
Signature of Parent/Guardian
Date ____________________________School_______________________ Grade Level _____________
Form 4
DATE RECEIVED: ____________ DATE ENTERED: ____________ rev. 08/2009
Student First Name
Student Last Name
LISD Student ID #
The Colony Band Booster Club
2009 – 2010 LVMS Beginner Band Fees
Students must be in good standing with payment of band fees to participate with the band during events
including the Texas Tornado’s hockey game, Sandy Lake, Hurricane Harbor and Main Event.
Band Participation Fee for all band members which includes student T-shirt, parent membership in The Colony Band Booster Club and contest fees.
LISD Instrument Fee - $60 Required for everyone using a LISD-owned Instrument:
Bass Clarinet, Bassoon, Tenor/Bari Sax, Horn, Euphonium, Tuba, Percussion, etc.
$ .00
$ .00
Optional Purchases
Please complete all size requirements. Band Hoodie QTY
Adult Sizes:
$ .00
Additional Band T-Shirt
Adult Sizes:
$15 each x
$ .00 Window Decal
Please see back for more details
$10 each x, (add $1 each for personalization)
$ .00
Indicate personalization here
Due at time of registration
$ .00
Band Fees due August 27, 2009 (Line A)
$ .00
Credit Card
Band Accessories Amount Due (Line B)
$ .00
Check #
TOTAL (Line A + Line B)
$ .00
Cash – Receipt #
¼ of the Band Fees due October 2, 2009
$ .00
Make payable to
¼ of the Band Fees due November 2, 2009
$ .00
Signature of Parent/Guardian acknowledging that
Band Fee Payment Contract (Form #5) has been completed
Band Booster Decals 2009-10
Band Fee Payment Contract stays on file with TCBBC rev. 8/09
Form 5
Student First Name
Student Last Name
2009 – 2010 The Colony Band Booster Club
LVMS Band Fee Payment Contract
Band Fees due as of August 27, 2009 (Form 4)
$ .00
½ of the Band Fees due August 27, 2009
$ .00
¼ of the Band Fees due October 2, 2009
$ .00
¼ of the Band Fees due November 2, 2009
$ .00
I agree to pay the Band Fees on the schedule above.
I understand that a late fee of $20.00 will be applied to my account if the Balance is not paid in full by November 13, 2009.
I understand that a $20.00 late fee will be applied each month thereafter on the first of the month (starting in December) until all Band Fees are paid in full.
I acknowledge that no verbal amendments to this agreement have been made and that any changes to this agreement must be made in writing and must be agreed to by both parties.
By signing below, I understand that the payment schedule listed above constitutes a binding agreement with The Colony Band Booster Club.
Parent/Guardian Signature:
Parent/Guardian Name:
(please print)
TCBBC Officer Signature:
TCBBC Officer Name:
(please print)
If these arrangements cannot be met, you must contact the Head Director and TCBBC President to work out other arrangements.
Form 6
LVMS Private Lesson Preference
Private lessons are the best thing you can do for a beginning band student. Individual one-on-one time with a professional is extremely beneficial!
Students have one private lesson each week.
Private Lesson Costs: $14.00 for a 22 minute lesson
$17.00 for a 30 minute lesson
½ scholarships are available.
_____________________________________ ____________________________
Please choose only one of the following boxes to fill-in your request, sign and return this form to a band director.
______ I want to sign my child up for private lessons.
______ In addition to signing up for lessons, I would also like to apply for a private lesson scholarship.
______ My child is not interested in private lessons at this time.
Form 7
Band Handbook Acceptance
I give permission for my child’s picture within the band group picture to be placed in recruiting publications and on the band website.
______Yes ______No
I have read and understand all of the rules, policies, and procedures of the Lakeview Band.
Student Name: ________________________________________
Student Signature: _________________________________________
Parent / Guardian Name: _________________________________________
Parent / Guardian Signature: __________________________________________
Please sign this sheet, remove it from the packet and return it with all other forms to the Lakeview Band at the Band Parent Meeting, Thursday, August 27.
and return it to a Lakeview Band Director.
Chris Anderson, Director
Carolyn Cansler, Associate Director
John Peterson, TCHS Associate Director
Chad Wallace, Percussion Specialist
Dr. Steve Nauman, Principal
Table of Contents
Handbook Objectives
Band Principles
Director Contact Information
Grading Procedures
Rehearsal Expectations
Academic Eligibility
Band Hall Expectations
Band Calendar
Maintenance, Medical, Traveling, Uniforms, Volunteer
Student Member & Parent Information
Temporary Medical Guardianship
Extracurricular Code of Conduct
LVMS Beginner Band Fees
LVMS Band Fee Payment Contract (Optional)
Private Lesson Preference
Band Handbook Acceptance
Handbook Objectives
1. Communicate policies and procedures.
2. Begin the process of three-way communication between teachers, parents and students.
Lakeview Band Principles
The Lakeview Band Program is based on more than just musical excellence. We obviously take great pride in how well we perform as musicians, but our true reward comes with the way in which we conduct ourselves on a daily basis both in and out of the band classroom or stage.
There are the key principles we try to live by as band members:
1. Responsibility – Do the best you can in everything you do.
2. Respect – Treat others the way you would like to be treated.
3. Attitude – Approach every situation with a positive attitude.
4. Be Proactive – Try to anticipate situations and prepare for them in advance.
5. Trust – Trust is earned and easily lost.
6. Commitment – Keep your commitments to yourself and others, even when it is difficult.
How to Contact the Directors
Lakeview Band Hall Phone Number: (972) 350-3126
Mr. Anderson – Mrs. Cansler – Mr. Peterson – Mr. Wallace –
Grading Procedures
40% Major Grades - Every student will have a playing tests, performances, and written test throughout the year.
40% Minor Grades (67% of Minor Grades) – Students will be evaluated for their daily class participation as well as sectional/rehearsal attendance, and quizzes.
20% Other Grades (33% of Minor Grades) – Bring the required materials to class, complete homework assignments, and complete practice records.
Rehearsal Expectations
Academic Eligibility
Students must have a passing grade in all classes to participate in UIL and School District events, as well as band trips that require them to miss class. If a student fails a class at the end of a six weeks grading period, he or she has the opportunity to regain eligibility at the three week progress report if all classes are passed at that point.
Band Hall Expectations
1) Band students will be respectful to others.
2) Be seated with your instrument, binder, music, and pencil when the bell rings.
3) Be prepared. All instruments go home every day. (except for tubas, which are practiced at school Monday – Thursday)
4) Band students will always follow directions the first time they are given.
5) Keep your equipment (leave other’s alone) in the right place, and keep it neat.
6) No gum, food, or candy in the band hall.
1” Black 3 ring View Binder (This binder has 2 pockets and clear plastic covering in which to
place 8½ x 11 Title/Practice Report pages, front and back.)
Notebook paper (in notes section)
2 Sharpened pencils
Pencil Bag
Always be in the right place, at the right time,
with the right equipment, and the right attitude.
Symphonic and Wind Ensemble Calendar:
Band Parent Meeting
31-Aug *
District/Region Sectionals begin
Drumathon (All Percussion)
Band Car Wash Fundraiser (backup date, Oct. 10)
29-Sep *
Sym and WE Perform at Lakeview Football Game
2-Oct *
Sym and WE perform with TCHS
Pep Rally #1 (Required for Wind Ensemble)
Yearbook Band Class Picture Day
(band t-shirt, jeans, tennis shoes)
The Colony MS Cluster All-Region Master Class (Required for Wind Ensemble)
LISD District Band Auditions (Required for Wind Ensemble)
Trip to Texas Tornados Hockey Game
Phase 1 Region Band Auditions (Required for Wind Ensemble)
Phase 2 Region Band Auditions (Required for Wind Ensemble)
Individual Band Pictures (concert black)
LISD District Band Sectionals (Required if qualified)
LISD District Band Clinic/Concert (Required if qualified)
15-Dec *
Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble Winter Concert
Wind Ensemble Elementary Tour
18-Dec *
Wind Ensemble plays for LVMS student body
All-Region Clinic and Concert (Required if qualified)
5-Feb *
Recital (Ensembles for the Solo and Ensemble Contest)
6-Feb *
LISD Solo and Ensemble Contest
Sym and WE Clinics for UIL
Percussion Concert (All Percussion)
8-Mar *
Pre-UIL Contest
TCJH Spring Drumline Auditions (All Percussion)
29 or 30-Mar *
Symphonic Band performs at UIL Contest
31 Mar or 1 Apr *
Wind Ensemble performs at UIL Contest
13-Apr *
Wind Ensemble performs at Peak Music Festival
Symphonic and Wind Ensemble to Six Flags
Wind Ensemble plays for the 5th grade (during school)
Wind Ensemble plays, 5th Grade Orientation (Required)
18-May *
Lakeview Band Spring Concert
Required activities can be graded events. Graded co-curricular events are an extension of the classroom. If you become aware of any conflicts, please contact a director to work out a compromise as soon as possible.
* All events notated with asterisks are required events.
Refer to the 2009-2010 Lakeview Band Master Calendar for location and time at
LISD Instrument Maintenance Fee
LISD requires that all students who use school owned instruments pay a maintenance fee of $60 dollars for yearly upkeep of school instruments.
Medical Form
For any trips outside of Lakeview Middle School with the band, students are required to have a Medical Form on file with the band directors.
Students are required to care for their own equipment when traveling with the band. It is the student’s responsibility to move their equipment on and off of the transport during trips. In addition to the Medical Form, students will be required to fill out the appropriate trip parent permission form before leaving Lakeview Middle School. Students must be in good standing with payment of band fees to participate with the band during events including the Texas Tornado’s hockey game, Six Flags and Main Event.
All students in band will be required to have a band t-shirt for pictures and other functions throughout the school year. The uniform for the t-shirt will be full length blue jeans with tennis shoes. The t-shirt will be required to be tucked into the blue jeans. Outdoor functions may warrant wearing shorts. This will be at the discretion of the directors.
Students in Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble will be required to wear All-Black for pictures, concerts and recitals.
Girls – Black dress shirt, black slacks, (No skirts, jeans, capris or gouchos will be allowed) black hose, black shoes which are closed toed (low heel). For ease of movement and safety, no slides, sandals, flip flops, mules, etc. No heel over 2 inches is allowed. Shirts must cover the waist band of the pants when the arms are raised. Shirts must have a sleeve (short, three quarter or long).
Boys – Black collared long sleeve button down dress shirt, black slacks (no jeans), black socks, black dress shoes (no tennis shoes). Shirts must cover the waist band of the pants when the arms are raised. Shirts must have a sleeve (short, three quarter or long). Everyone should wear black pants with a black dress belt. Please do not wear any off color undergarment, especially white t-shirts. White under shirts will stand out in photos and during on stage performance.
Parents groups are the key to any successful school organization. We will send emails before events asking for volunteer help. Your time makes a difference! It is required that all volunteers go to, then parents/students, to do the Volunteer/Background Check. Instructions can be found at in the forms section titled Volunteer Application Instructions.
Charms is an online database used to administrate the Lakeview MS Band. Parents are encouraged to use the website and update information as needed. This site will maintain a records database for your child.
Our login code is: LakeviewMSBand
You will be prompted to enter your child’s Student ID. Be sure to press the UPDATE button to update your file. Useful information is posted here as well as
CHARMS Office Database Assistant
We need everyone’s help in making sure our current contact information is correct. You can REALLY help us by going online and completing contact information personally. How?
Visit the website and find the area on the right side of the screen that says “Parent/Student Login”.
Our login code is LakeviewMSBand (NO spaces).
On the next screen , enter your child’s Student ID number (the one they use in the cafeteria, library, etc.) to get access to the secure contact information.
Once inside your personal account , you can change your password to whatever you want. If you forget your password, just email us and we can reset it (but we will never know your password if you change it – we can only reset it for you).
Please enter ALL information in the appropriate places on the
“Student Information” screen.
After you are finished, please make sure to press the UPDATE button.
In addition to updating your contact information, you can see which forms your child has turned in and which ones he or she has not turned in as well as verifying that fees you paid for LISD instruments, etc. can be seen online.
If you do not have access to the internet please use the Student Member and Parent Information – Form 1, fill in all of the blanks, and return it to school at the Band Parent Meeting, August 27th.
Please have all contact information (online or on paper) be completed and submitted by Thursday, August 27th.
Form 1
Rev. 08/09
First Name
Last Name
LISD Student ID #
The Lakeview Middle School Band
2009 – 2010 Student Member & Parent Information
The student and parent information can be entered on charms (
Information below parent 2 on this form is not in charms and must be returned.
This information is for LVMS Band use only and will not be shared with outside sources.
All phone, e-mail and U.S. mail contact will be to the parent (s) listed below.
Student Home Address:
City, State, ZIP:
Student’s Home Phone:
( ) -
Student’s Cell Phone:
( ) -
Student’s E-mail Address:
Parent 1 Name:
Home Address
(if different from above):
Home Phone:
( ) -
Cell Phone:
( ) -
Work Phone:
( ) - ext
E-mail Address:
Parent 2 Name:
Home Address
(if different from above):
Home Phone:
( ) -
Cell Phone:
( ) -
Work Phone:
( ) - ext
E-mail Address:
School Team: ____Alpha ____Beta ____Gamma ____Delta
____Kappa ____Omega ____Sigma
Is your Channel 1: ____before Lunch ____after Lunch
Who is your Channel 1 teacher?
Form 2
I (we) the undersigned _________________________________________________________, are the natural parents
or legal guardians of __________________________________________________________. During our absence
he/she has been placed in the temporary care of the Lakeview Middle School Band Staff who is/are empowered by this statement to call for and authorize medical care and assistance I the event of injury, accident or illness involving our child or children. It is my (our) intention that this statement serves as authorization for such medical care to be administered during the following period of time:
Beginning Date 8-27-09 through the Ending Date 8-26-10
In the event that further medical consultation is required, the physicians who have most recently examined the child/children are:
_____________________________________________________ Phone:______________________________
_____________________________________________________ Phone:______________________________
Child’s Name:________________________________________ DOB:_____________________
Last Tetanus Vaccine :_______________________
List of Known Allergies: Drugs:________________________________________Foods________________________
Previous Diagnoses and History ____Convulsions ____Kidney Ailment ____Diabetes
____ Asthma ____Bronchitis ____Heart Ailments ____Tuberculosis ____Epilepsy
List all other medical conditions, history of surgeries, and serious injuries:____________________________________
List Names and Doses of all regular medications:________________________________________________________
Insurance Information (optional but recommended) ______________________________________________________
In case of emergency, the following person/people is/are also authorized to give consent for treatment if the parent/legal guardian cannot be reached:
Name: _____________________________________________ Relationship: _____________________________
Name: _____________________________________________Relationship: _____________________________
Parent/Legal Guardian: _____________________________________Signature________________________________
Parent/Legal Guardian: _____________________________________Signature________________________________
Emergency Contact Dates, Location and Number for Parents_______________________________________________
Form 3
Extracurricular Code of Conduct
If I am selected to represent ______________________________ School in its extracurricular program, I will be sincerely interested in contributing my best effort to the success of the program. I therefore agree to the following expectations and consequences as they pertain to out of school and after hours behavior while a member of an extracurricular group. It should be noted that the LISD student code of conduct and local school policies regarding appropriate behavior shall always be applied first and foremost when violations occur at school, at a contest/event, traveling to and from an event/contest, or when the students represent themselves as part of a school team, organization, or school group. Participation in extracurricular activities is considered a privilege and, certainly, higher standards are expected from all participants as it pertains to grades, behavior in and out of school, attendance, work ethic, and commitment.
The following restrictions refer to any amount of alcohol, drugs, or tobacco off campus.
I. Use and/or possession of Alcohol will not be tolerated. 1st offense: Removed from competition for
two contests and/or performances. School staff
counseling required.
2nd offense: Removed from competition for
a semester. School staff counseling required.
3rd offense: In the event of a third violation of these rules, the student will no longer be permitted to participate in competitive extracurricular activities for the remainder of the student’s enrollment in the District.
II. Use and/or possession of Drugs will not be tolerated. 1st offense: Removed from competition for three contests. School staff counseling required.
2nd offense: Removed from competition for a semester. School staff counseling required.
3rd offense: In the event of a third violation of these rules, the student will no longer be permitted to participate in competitive extracurricular activities for the remainder of the student’s enrollment in the District.
III. Use and/or possession of Tobacco will not be tolerated. 1st offense: Suspension from one contest
and/or performance.
2nd offense: Removed from the program for
a semester.
3rd offense: Removed from the program for one calendar
year from date of infraction.
IV. Hazing 1st offense: Removal from the program for no less than
(as defined by Board Policy FNCC Legal) 30 days and up to 90 days with reinstatement to the
program at the Sponsor/Coach and Administrator
2nd offense: Removal from the program for no less than
90 days and up to one calendar year. Reinstatement to the
program will take place only at the Sponsor/Coach
and Administrator approval.
V. Charged with a felony involving bodily harm Removed from the program until the case is
Adjudication and/or Conviction of a felony Removed from the program indefinitely.
********1. Once a participant has been removed from the program, the Sponsor/Coach and /or Administrator has the right to review the case and make a decision as to whether to allow the participant back into the program after the 90 day suspension.
2. A semester is considered to be 90 days.
3. Infractions will not accrue from year to year. Infractions will be tabulated for one calendar year beginning August 1 and ending July 31. Penalty can carry over from term to term until time is served.
4. These violations have to be (a) witnessed by District personnel (b) ticketed by law enforcement (c) or admitted to by the participant.
5. You are expected to follow the code of ethical behavior both on and off campus.
VI. Additional expectations for extracurricular activities: failure to meet these expectations will result in counseling by the coach or sponsor, or some form of punishment or suspension.
A. Conduct: We expect you to conduct yourself as ladies/gentlemen at all times. Follow school rules and procedures.
B. Attendance: Do not cut class. Do not be tardy. If you miss an athletic period or participation be sure it cannot be helped. Your commitment may include holidays and non-school days. Call the coach or sponsor if you are absent from an athletic period.
C. Profanity: We do not allow it.
D. Injury: We have a professional trainer who has been educated in training procedures. If you have an injury, see the trainers first. They will either treat the injury or tell you to see your doctor.
E. Grades: We expect you to work and maintain good grades.
F. Promptness: Always be on time, to practice, meetings, and games.
G. Equipment and facilities: Be responsible and take care of both.
H. Respect for coaches and teachers: Treat them with respect and in return you will be treated with respect.
I. Stealing: Taking things that do not belong to you will result in severe consequences.
J. Accountability: You will be held accountable for all of your actions. Be sure you “think” before you “act”.
*Due process procedures will be in accordance with LISD Board Policies: FOC (Local),FOA (Legal), FOC(Legal), FOD(Legal), and FOD(Local).
I have received a copy of the Extracurricular Code of Conduct and understand that all students will be held accountable for their behavior and will be subject to the disciplinary consequences outlined in the Code.
Name of Student (Please print)
Signature of Student
Signature of Parent/Guardian
Date ____________________________School_______________________ Grade Level _____________
Form 4
DATE RECEIVED: ____________ DATE ENTERED: ____________ rev. 08/2009
Student First Name
Student Last Name
LISD Student ID #
The Colony Band Booster Club
2009 – 2010 LVMS Symphonic & Wind Ensemble Band Fees
Students must be in good standing with payment of band fees to participate with the band during events
including the Texas Tornado’s hockey game, Six Flags and Main Event.
Band Participation Fee – Fee for all band members including parent membership in The Colony Band Booster Club and contest fees.
LISD Instrument Fee - $60 Required for everyone using a LISD-owned instrument:
Bass Clarinet, Bassoon, Tenor/Bari Sax, Horn, Euphonium, Tuba, Percussion, etc.
$ .00
Band T-Shirt - $15 This is a fee for all students who need to purchase a band t-shirt (same shirt as last year). The t-shirt will be required for events throughout the year.
$ .00
Foundations for Superior Performance - $8 This is a fee for a warm-up book that students will use throughout the year. This book is required for class.
$ .00
$ .00
Optional Purchases
Please complete all size requirements. Band Hoodie QTY
Adult Sizes:
$ .00
Additional Band T-Shirt
Adult Sizes:
$15 each x
$ .00 Window Decal
Please see back for more details
$10 each x, (add $1 each for personalization)
$ .00
Indicate personalization here
Due at time of registration
$ .00
Band Fees due August 27, 2009 (Line A)
$ .00
Credit Card
Band Optional Purchases Amount Due (Line B)
$ .00
Check #
TOTAL (Line A + Line B)
$ .00
Cash – Receipt #
¼ of the Band Fees due October 2, 2009
$ .00
Make payable to
¼ of the Band Fees due November 2, 2009
$ .00
Signature of Parent/Guardian acknowledging that
Band Fee Payment Contract (Form #5) has been completed
Band Booster Decals 2009-10
Band Fee Payment Contract stays on file with TCBBC rev. 8/09
Form 5
Student First Name
Student Last Name
2009 – 2010 The Colony Band Booster Club
LVMS Band Fee Payment Contract
Band Fees due as of August 27, 2009 (Form 4)
$ .00
½ of the Band Fees due August 27, 2009
$ .00
¼ of the Band Fees due October 2, 2009
$ .00
¼ of the Band Fees due November 2, 2009
$ .00
I agree to pay the Band Fees on the schedule above.
I understand that a late fee of $20.00 will be applied to my account if the Balance is not paid in full by November 13, 2009.
I understand that a $20.00 late fee will be applied each month thereafter on the first of the month (starting in December) until all Band Fees are paid in full.
I acknowledge that no verbal amendments to this agreement have been made and that any changes to this agreement must be made in writing and must be agreed to by both parties.
By signing below, I understand that the payment schedule listed above constitutes a binding agreement with The Colony Band Booster Club.
Parent/Guardian Signature:
Parent/Guardian Name:
(please print)
TCBBC Officer Signature:
TCBBC Officer Name:
(please print)
If these arrangements cannot be met, you must contact the Head Director and TCBBC President to work out other arrangements.
Form 6
LVMS Private Lesson Preference
Private lessons are the best thing you can do for a beginning band student. Individual one-on-one time with a professional is extremely beneficial!
Students have one private lesson each week.
Private Lesson Costs: $14.00 for a 22 minute lesson
$17.00 for a 30 minute lesson
½ scholarships are available.
_____________________________________ ____________________________
Please choose only one of the following boxes to fill-in your request, sign and return this form to a band director.
______ I want to sign my child up for private lessons.
______ In addition to signing up for lessons, I would also like to apply for a private lesson scholarship.
______ My child is not interested in private lessons at this time.
Form 7
Band Handbook Acceptance
I give permission for my child’s picture within the band group picture to be placed in recruiting publications and on the band website.
______Yes ______No
I have read and understand all of the rules, policies, and procedures of the Lakeview Band.
Student Name: ________________________________________
Student Signature: _________________________________________
Parent / Guardian Name: _________________________________________
Parent / Guardian Signature: __________________________________________
Please sign this sheet, remove it from the packet and return it with all other forms to the Lakeview Band at the Band Parent Meeting, Thursday, August 27.