Lakeview Middle School
Lakeview Middle School Band
Lakeview Middle School is located in The Colony, Texas a few miles north of the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. With an
enrollment of approximately 860 students, Lakeview offers electives in band, choir, drama and the visual arts to supplement and
enrich core academic classes. The band at Lakeview consists of 200 students, divided into Wind Ensemble, Symphonic, and
Beginner Bands. A strong emphasis is placed on character building, strong principles and leadership ideals throughout all grade
levels. Our hope is to help students become better people, students and musicians through their band class. Students begin playing
their instruments in the sixth grade in like-instrument classes that meet for forty-five minutes per day. During their first year, students
work to establish a solid fundamental foundation, develop proper individual practice habits, learn how to operate in the band
environment and grow stronger in their music reading and theory abilities. Our goal is to allow students to have fun in a productive
and structured atmosphere. Seventh and eighth grade band students audition for and are placed in one of two bands. The Wind
Ensemble and Symphonic Bands perform at a number of events throughout the year, including pep rallies, individual and small
ensemble contests, school concerts, the Texas U.I.L. Concert and Sight Reading Contest as well as concert band festivals in the
North Texas area. Students in both groups attend one section rehearsal each week and have the opportunity to work with directors
individually as well. All grade levels are strongly encouraged (and some are required) to take private lessons with one of the
qualified instructors of the Lakeview Private Lesson Program. Both the Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Bands prepare young
people to be great students in band and academic classes, while also providing them with the performance and rehearsal skills
necessary for them to be successful members of The Colony High School Band. With an emphasis on instrument fundamentals,
musical performance and student leadership skills, the Lakeview Band offers a well-rounded learning environment for all students
wishing to participate.
Not only do students in the Lakeview Band learn to perform on a musical instrument, they learn the essentials of teamwork, self-
motivation, self-discipline, individual responsibility, and social skills that prove to be effective in any career, sport, or other activity.
Under the direction of Chris Anderson, Patrick Summerhays, Mike Huestis, and a host of other teachers, students are offered
instruction on flute, oboe, clarinet, bass clarinet, bassoon, saxophone, cornet, French horn, trombone, euphonium (baritone), tuba,
& percussion. Hopefully, many of the questions you have about signing up, acquiring an instrument, and requirements for
participation will be answered by reading this web page thoroughly. If not, please feel free to contact us at any time. We will be
more than happy to answer your questions as quickly as possible.
Each Instrument is Unique and Fun
Music is an important part of your child's education and is a rewarding experience that will enrich your child's life for years to come.
The opportunity for your child is now. As a parent, you have the chance to introduce your child to a beautiful and fulfilling world, to
develop abilities and interests that may otherwise never be discovered. Your decision to enroll your child in band may be one of the
most important contributions you make to his/her life.
Most importantly..
DO NOT immediately run out and get an instrument until you have met with the directors at the instrument selection night held at
Lakeview in March so you are sure you have all the necessary information about quality brands and models and the list of required
accessories to accompany the instrument. Do not buy used instruments from various sources such as pawn shops and E-Bay without
consulting one of the Lakeview Band Directors. Take precaution in instruments whose history you are unaware of as there may be hidden
defects (even in some new instruments, depending on brand).
Questions and Answers
We are able to work out arrangements with a local music store and they are able to offer discounts on the purchase of an
instrument or can set you up on a monthly payment plan over the course of time. In fact, they even offer an instrument rental
program. This program is perfect for beginner students who may be "experimenting" with their commitment to something new. The
rental program protects you from investing money in an instrument while not being 100% certain that your child will continue in his
or her band instruction. After your child's first year, it is suggested that you trade in the rental instrument for a higher quality
instrument for purchase on a monthly payment plan. Also, a select number of school-owned instruments are available for students
with great financial need as well as instruments that are too expensive to rent. There is an annual maintenance fee to use school owned instruments.
One major aspect of an effective band program is Fundraising. LISD and, especially Mr. Turner, our Principal, provides a
generous amount of money to cover the bands basic needs. However, in order to attend many of the extra activities that enhance
and benefit our band students we must raise a considerable amount beyond that. The majority of the money we raise goes toward
private lessons scholarships. The students participate in two major fundraisers a year and the band boosters (that's you) help out
with several smaller moneymakers. Some donate and fundraise. The bottom line is: fundraising and donations are an
essential and major factor towards the quantity of events in which the band gets to participate and the quality of the
band program.
As a beginning band student, there are only seven (required for a grade) rehearsals/concerts outside regular school hours.. Our
concerts are in December and May.. Beyond that, students will participate in solo and small group contests as well as private lessons.
Students will also be required to engage in regular home practice routines like having homework from a "regular" class; however,
our home practice requirements include the option of practicing at home or before and after class at school. Student success is greatly
enhanced by individual "alone” practice time outside of class.
YES-research shows that participation in band will affect your child's grades for the better. On average, students who participate in
school music organizations score 89 points higher on standardized tests like the SAT than students without musical
coursework.Also, 70% of the nation's major universities report that participation in a musical organization is a higher consideration
than standardized test scores for admission decisions.
DID YOU KNOW. ...66% of college music majors who applied for medical school in 1996 were accepted while only 44% of
biochemistry majors were?
YES!!! - Not only is participation in other Lakeview organizations possible - it is highly ENCOURAGED!! However, it is
important to remember that commitment to the band program and practice time is necessary. Many of the skills each student will
learn in band (teamwork, group accountability, etc.) will be GREAT assets toward their participation in athletic programs or any
other organization. In fact, many great athletes, actors, professional musicians, and Presidents were active in band.